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♥ Welcome

here you will find icons of
movies/ tv series & photography/mag scans that you love
if you want icons for a particular film/tv series/ photo or anything
PS: the icons might look together but they can be saved seperately :)i just post them close together. :)

♥ The Girl

Name: Nichola
Birthdate: 9th of May
School: dropped out

♥ Desires

Pass my Driving Practical Test
Complete my machael Jackson tatto art work
get revenge of somebody
Get Russell brands radio show on dvd
travel the world
Get season 3 of queer as folk on dvd

♥ Tagboard

♥ Click

back to you're blogger home page

tv/movie/music vid screencaps
icon table
Vintage icons
My Journal

All my twilight related icons

follow me on twitter

♥ Past

July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
March 2010
April 2010
August 2010
December 2010

♥ Layout

Designer: Lady-Nadya
Images: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Brushes: 1 | 2
Font: DaFont
Base Codes: kynzgerl

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

magical ♥ 12:03 PM

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The End.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

notice:: ♥ 10:18 AM

my icons effects have been deleted :( so till i get them back no icons :(


The End.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Icons coming to between Monday night and tuesday night. ♥ 12:23 AM

The End.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Long gap. ♥ 11:42 PM

I know guys I haven't posted in such a long time. I've been so busy
and so time to make icons. This Monday to Wednesday night I am free so
I'll make more then and add them here. :)

Sorry again... I feel so weird as well because I haven't been making

Peace out! Much love.

Sent from my iPod
follow me on twitter:

The End.

Thursday, January 07, 2010

a bit of everything ♥ 4:37 AM

...and the rest. lol

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The End.

people, places, and jump! ♥ 4:19 AM

i know its been a while since i last posted. with the leade up to new years i was busy trying to find a life but still havent goen far with that. well i was feeling pretty creative so i made these. one two more sets to come. :)

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The End.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Queer As Icons ♥ 10:20 PM

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The End.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Sturridge ♥ 11:51 PM


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The End.

Not So Ugly Urie ♥ 11:45 PM

Ok Confession....being lazy and made 3 icons from the photo LOL ohwell hope you like them :)

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The End.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Three Rivers ♥ 2:55 AM

Loving Katherine Moenning i started watching this new Tv show, and totally {hearting} it. Enjoy xo

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The End.