Wednesday, December 22, 2010
magical ♥ 12:03 PM

Labels: deathly hallows, Harry Potter, tom riddle
The End.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
notice:: ♥ 10:18 AM
my icons effects have been deleted :( so till i get them back no icons :(
Labels: sad
The End.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Icons coming to between Monday night and tuesday night. ♥ 12:23 AM
The End.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Long gap. ♥ 11:42 PM
I know guys I haven't posted in such a long time. I've been so busy
and so time to make icons. This Monday to Wednesday night I am free so
I'll make more then and add them here. :)
Sorry again... I feel so weird as well because I haven't been making
Peace out! Much love.
Sent from my iPod
follow me on twitter:
The End.
Thursday, January 07, 2010
a bit of everything ♥ 4:37 AM
...and the rest. lol
Labels: 500 days of summer, cassie, film, leighton meester, matthew gray gubler, robert downey jr, skins
The End.
people, places, and jump! ♥ 4:19 AM
i know its been a while since i last posted. with the leade up to new years i was busy trying to find a life but still havent goen far with that. well i was feeling pretty creative so i made these.

Labels: british boys, bus, gay, indie, jump, Kiss, London, love, photography
The End.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Queer As Icons ♥ 10:20 PM

Labels: Brian Kinney, Justin Taylor, Kiss, love, Queer as folk
The End.
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Sturridge ♥ 11:51 PM

Labels: british boys, Tom Sturridge
The End.
Not So Ugly Urie ♥ 11:45 PM
Ok Confession....being lazy and made 3 icons from the photo LOL ohwell hope you like them :)

Labels: Michael Urie, Ugly betty
The End.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Three Rivers ♥ 2:55 AM
Loving Katherine Moenning i started watching this new Tv show, and totally {hearting} it. Enjoy xo

Labels: Doctors, Katherine Moennig, New, Three Rivers
The End.